about rmcom marketing automation

about rmcom marketing automation software

rmcom is powerful, web based, marketing automation software. Designed to increase revenue generation and reduce costs, rmcom should especially be considered when looking for powerful marketing automation software for integration with other systems.

Whether you wish to generate hotter leads, convert more sales, reduce administration and cost or simply communicate better with your subscribers and customers, rmcom provides everything you need.

Using all the emarketing tricks and tools available to you is essential for staying ahead of your competitors; especially if you want to have the best & most successful email marketing and sms communications in your sector. After all, it’s only by striving for the best that you can count on having a place in the market now and in the future.

rmcom, our advanced marketing automation communications software package, is designed to give you exactly that – improving the value of touch-points so you get the highest rewards possible. What’s more, rmcom is an automated service, and can be used to record all kinds of useful activity, ensuring your data is automatically cleansed so that you can fully capitalise on your investments.

Like many other software packages, rmcom is completely accessible online, which means it doesn’t even need installing. Within minutes, you can have a powerful and flexible marketing automation  aid to help you get the best results from your people and your business.

Many organisations find lead generation costly and challenging. This is partly due to the use of old techniques which are no longer as efficient as they used to be. There’s another reason too. Less companies use the technology and information that is available to them than should.

Better email and SMS marketing
rmcom is a powerful, automated client management CRM software system designed to take full advantage of multi channel email, sms and social media communication. rmcom is best used when integrated into sales process management systems using its API.
This is when rmcom sets its self apart by using sales process triggers to automate integrated media communications.
The benefits of rmcom are extensive.
Increase sales conversion
  • Improve accuracy with integrated CRM
  • Improve targeting with automatic data cleansing
  • Increase market intelligence
  • Gain instant notifications of prospect interactions
  • Improve relevance of communications
  • Reduce effort with list management and integration
  • Improve marketing mix with cross channel messaging
  • Increase reach with social media integration
  • Increase transparency of marketing activity value with reporting and intelligence functions
Improve retention
  • Improve communications with customers using automated messaging
  • Increase touch points using automated messages (24 hr, 7 day, 3 mths etc)
  • Increase customer value using data capture and cleansing functions
  • Improve service by capturing feedback
  • Improve timing with triggers and automation
Save time
  • Eradicate double entry of data
  • Reduce Account Exec driven communications
  • Improve accuracy with customer/acturis driven data
  • Improve accuracy with automatic messaging
  • Avoid manual intervention
Increase productivity
  • Reduce activities required of account execs
  • Increase communication with customers
  • Reduce cost of communication
  • Reduce content production with pre-prepared conditional content features
  • Reduce compliance issues with standardised communications
Improve customer relationships
  • Increase frequency of communication
  • Improve accuracy of communication
  • Improve data flow between customer and broker
  • Increase accuracy of data
  • Enable customers to determine frequency and media of communications
Reduce attrition
  • Improve customer worth
  • Increase customer intelligence
  • Increase upsell and cross sell opportunities
  • Increase identification of new opportunities

rmcom provides tools for you to generate more leads of the right quality. Using a combination of intelligent preference monitoring and instant notifications provides your sales team with a significant edge. What makes rmcom so good at giving you the edge is letting you know exactly who is interested and when. Compare that to the days of sending direct mail by post and you’ll appreciate the value in this low cost tool for generating red hot leads.

Sales is a process that consumers go through. The steps in the process are often very similar, the differences are normally in timing and triggers. Organisations who understand their sales process and the triggers and touch points along the way stand to gain the most from rmcom’s automation functions. Using automatic triggers and actions enables you to pull your customers and prospects through the sales funnel without relying on manual intervention. That way, you choose when or if a manual intervention is required and use the relevant triggers to create a touch point that will increase your conversion rate.

rmcom specific benefits

The other advantage of rmcom’s marketing automation functionality sits in conditional content where user interaction and database information is used to automatically populate messages not only with personalised content but also content specifically relevant to your recipient. This in turn increase conversion.

The in-built marketing automation functions of rmcom are just the beginning of where it delivers value to organisations. Not only will rmcom use triggers and actions to automatically communicate with your customers, prospects and subscribers, it will also populate messages with content that is most relevant. Quite obviously this is going to save you time and effort.
There’s more. rmcom’s API provides integration functionality with your other systems. This means you can use all the beneficial, time saving features of rmcom in seamless harmony with your existing business system infrastructure.

Automated marketing helps you to improve your bottom line by communicating with customers at the right times and enabling your sales people to get on with what they do best.

[su_rm_boilerplate style=”black” boilerhead=”30 Day FREE trial” boilertext=”Better SMS, email and social media marketing all wrapped up in one simple to use, web based software package.” buttonlink=”http://www.renewmarketing.co.uk/forms/automation-software-free-trial/” boilerbutton=”TRY IT OUT”][/su_rm_boilerplate]
[su_rm_boilerplate style=”black” boilerhead=”NO CREDIT CARDS REQUIRED” boilertext=”You can put rmcom through its paces properly NO CREDIT CARDS REQUIRED. Now there’s every reason to give rmcom a go.” buttonlink=”http://www.renewmarketing.co.uk/forms/automation-software-free-trial/” boilerbutton=”TRY IT OUT”][/su_rm_boilerplate]